Day 10: Brent Cross to Highgate

After a mere just-under-2-year wait, another leg... this time with Kyle too.

We ended up eating at GBK at Brent Cross again, just like our previous walk. This time, we set off eastwards.

Phase 1:

We walked through some fairly 'meh' housing then met the North Circular, which we managed to avoid partly to begin with by walking through a park. We then walked under the A406 and saw a man asleep. Another man told us that this was the first time he'd seen someone asleep here in the 70/17? years he's been walking under the bridge.

Maintenance works diverted us from the river walk and forced us to walk along the busy A406 for a bit but then we got back onto the parks and river parts.

We saw some lovely posh houses around Finchley.

Phase 2:

Last part of the walk took us through some nice woods. We saw one of two frog ponds and met a lovely man who told us about some nature boxes in the next wood along.
